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Time- and Self-Related Memories Predict Restorative Perceptions of Favorite Places Via Place Identity

Time- and Self-Related Memories Predict Restorative Perceptions of Favorite Places Via Place Identity

Many campuses continue to struggle with increasing student stress, anxiety, depression, and mental health challenges. Important to addressing the…

ACUI Reviews Diversity and Inclusion Report

ACUI Reviews Diversity and Inclusion Report

In March, the Board of Trustees accepted a report benchmarking ACUI’s diversity and inclusion efforts against the Global Diversity…

Oh Wow! Handling Unexpected Results
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Oh Wow! Handling Unexpected Results

Think for a moment about a time when someone was sharing results from an assessment project at a professional…

Using Feedback to Design a Collaborative Office Space
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Using Feedback to Design a Collaborative Office Space

While some may love open office floor plans, the new phenomenon of desk-sharing, or hot desking, where employees sit…

ACUI Award Recipients Honored at 2019 Annual Conference

ACUI Award Recipients Honored at 2019 Annual Conference

During the 2019 Annual Conference in Indianapolis, ACUI celebrated achievements in advancing campus community during The Honors awards ceremony…

The State of Volunteerism

The State of Volunteerism

ACUI relies on a strong volunteer workforce to lead, plan, serve, and contribute to its vision and the execution…

ACUI Appeals to Indiana Officials to Pass Hate Crimes Law

ACUI Appeals to Indiana Officials to Pass Hate Crimes Law

Indiana is home to the Central Office and is one of only five states without a hate crime law,…

Revised Strategic Plan Approved, Goals Drafted

Revised Strategic Plan Approved, Goals Drafted

In September, after The Bulletin had gone to print, the Board of Trustees received recommendations from the Naming ACUI…

Communication in a Time of Crisis
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Communication in a Time of Crisis

At the University of Virginia, a student mistakes a homemade electric bike for a bike with an attached bomb….